
good afternoon造句

good afternoon造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:43:17


good afternoon造句

  • 1、good afternoon. How much? How long? How nice! How beautiful! A: Good morning. B: morning.(下午好!多少錢?多久?(多長(zhǎng)?)多漂亮?。《嗝腊。?
  • 2、good afternoon and welcome.(下午好,歡迎光臨。)
  • 3、good afternoon, International Trade Centre Exhibition Services.(下午好,這里是國(guó)際貿(mào)易中心展覽服務(wù)處。)
  • 4、good afternoon, Tom.(下午好,湯姆。)
  • 5、A:good afternoon, Mr. Brown.(下午好,布朗先生。)
  • 6、Jeff:good afternoon everybody!(杰夫:大家下午好!)
  • 7、good afternoon, Bill.(下午好,比爾。)
  • 8、good afternoon everyone.(大家下午好。)
  • 9、good afternoon, Miss Maria.(瑪麗亞小姐,下午好。)
  • 10、Natasha:good afternoon.(下午好。)
  • 11、Hello! Good morning!good afternoon!(您好!早上好!下午好!)
  • 12、good afternoon, madam! Thank you!(下午好,女士!謝謝你!)
  • 13、She cleared her throat and said, "good afternoon."(她清了清嗓子,說:“下午好?!?
  • 14、W: Room service,good afternoon.(W:客房服務(wù)部,下午好!)
  • 15、B:good afternoon, Mary.(乙:午安,瑪麗。)
  • 16、good afternoon, 311. How can I help you?(下午好,311,我能為您做點(diǎn)什么?)
  • 17、good afternoon, how is your holiday?(下午好,假期怎么樣?)
  • 18、He saidgood afternoon to Mr. Black.(他對(duì)布萊克先生說下午好。)
  • 19、A:good afternoon. Jason Emory speaking.(A:下午好,杰森·埃莫里。)
  • 20、Jiang Yu:good afternoon!(姜瑜:各位下午好!) Hao86.com
  • 21、A:good afternoon Mr. Simith.(下午好,史密斯先生。)
  • 22、Qin:good afternoon everybody.(秦剛說,大家下午好。)
  • 23、good afternoon, I'm calling to inquire about the four bedroom house you advertised in the newspaper.(下午好,我打電話來是想咨詢一下有關(guān)你們?cè)趫?bào)紙上刊登的那套四居室房屋的信息。)
  • 24、Clerk:good afternoon, Ma 'am.(店員:下午好,女士。)
  • 25、Conner:good afternoon, Miss Parkes.(康納:下午好,帕克斯小姐。)
  • 26、good afternoon, please have a seat.(下午好,請(qǐng)坐。)

good afternoon基本釋義

good afternoon

英 [ɡud ?ɑ:ft??nu:n] 美 [ɡ?d ??ft??nun] 
