
harden into造句

harden into造句

更新時間:2025-03-02 20:57:26


harden into造句

  • 1、Then pour some liquid gelatin into that mould and let it harden .(然后倒了一些液體明膠進入該模具,讓它變硬。)
  • 2、There they cool andharden into volcanic ash.(然后在空中它們又冷卻變成火山灰。)
  • 3、Then, perhaps- for there was no foreseeing how it might affect her- Pearl would frown, and clench her little fist, and harden her small features into a stern, unsympathising look of discontent.(此時,珠兒或許就會——因為無法預見那魔障可能對她有何影響——攥起小手,緊皺眉頭,板起面孔,在小腸上露出不滿的冷冷表情。)
  • 4、Melted metal is poured into a mold toharden into shape.(熔化之金屬倒入模子中以冷卻成形。)
  • 5、They canharden into a thick cyst, and can leave behind deep, hard-to-remove scars.(他們可以把一個厚厚的囊腫硬化,并能留下深刻的,難以去除的疤痕。)
  • 6、"We never eat red meat, " Tyler tells me in the Impala, and he can't use chicken fat or the soap won'tharden into a bar.(我們從來不吃牛羊肉(紅肉)。)
  • 7、This mixture is placed into a suitable mould, compacted, and allowed to harden .(這種拌合料灌入合適的模框中,振搗壓實,讓它硬化。)
  • 8、Plaque needs to be removed through a daily oral care routine which includes brushing and flossing or the plaque willharden into tartar (or calculus).(牌匾需要通過日常的口腔護理,其中包括日常刷牙和使用牙線或斑塊會成為牙結石硬化(或演算刪除)。)
  • 9、Never go to bed angry, the old saying goes, or bad feeling willharden into resentment 1.(有句老話說,千萬不要帶著怒氣入睡,否則糟糕的情緒會轉(zhuǎn)化成怨恨。)
  • 10、Crews have been working for months to upgrade equipment, trim trees, and overall harden the reliability of the Pepco power system, which runs from the Washington area into New Jersey.(工作人員已經(jīng)為設備升級、樹木修剪及全面加強運行與華盛頓地區(qū)與新澤西的Pepco電力系統(tǒng)的可靠性而工作了數(shù)月。) hAo86.com
  • 11、They become sticky andharden into the shape of the letter c, like a sickle, a hand tool with a curved blade.(紅血球會變得粘稠,并且硬化成字母c的形狀,像一種有彎曲刀片的手持工具,鐮刀。)
  • 12、The carbon matting, drenched in resin, is compressed into a mold to harden it.(這種碳墊子,還是樹脂制品時就弄濕了,得壓縮成型使其變硬。)
  • 13、Baekeland's original goal was to come up with a shellac and varnish substitute that, after being applied to a piece of wood, wouldharden into an insoluble state by a chemical reaction.(貝克·蘭德最初的目標是找出蟲膠和清漆替代品,加入一些木屑后,將硬化成不受化學反應的非溶解性固體。)
  • 14、Calculus - If left alone long enough, plaque begins to mineralize andharden into calculus or tartar because the plaque absorbs calcium, phosphorus and other minerals from saliva.(牙結石—如果菌斑呆的時間足夠長,它就開始礦化變硬形成牙石或牙垢,因為菌斑從唾液中吸收了鈣,磷和其他礦物質(zhì)。)
  • 15、This can be done by pressing it into a plastic container, the top of a butter dish or any container that will give it the shape you desire. Then place it in the refrigerator to harden.(一旦調(diào)味完畢,你就可以準備將奶油放入各種不同形狀的容器中,壓實后冷藏使它變硬即可。)

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