See you造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:14:11


See you造句

  • 1、I waited an hour just toSee you.(我等了一個(gè)小時(shí)只是為了見你。)
  • 2、It's good toSee you again.(再次見到你真高興。)
  • 3、Cheerio! I'llSee you later.(再見!回頭見。)
  • 4、I'm longing toSee you again.(我渴望再次見到你。)
  • 5、When will ISee you again?(我何時(shí)能再見到你?)
  • 6、I'llSee you in the new year.(新的一年里再見。)
  • 7、He wants toSee you right away.(他想立刻見你。)
  • 8、He'll be here toSee you any moment now.(他隨時(shí)會(huì)來這里看你。)
  • 9、There's a gentleman toSee you.(有位先生要見你。)
  • 10、I hate toSee you unhappy.(我不愿見你不高興。)
  • 11、Their Eminences willSee you now.(最可敬的樞機(jī)現(xiàn)在要見你。)
  • 12、I'llSee you Thursday week.(我們下星期四見。)
  • 13、He has expressed a desire toSee you.(他表示想見見你。)
  • 14、See you soon, lots of luv, Sue.(盼早日見到你,非常愛你的,休。)
  • 15、It breaks my heart toSee you like this.(看到你這個(gè)樣子我很難過。)
  • 16、It's wonderful toSee you!(看到你真叫人高興!)
  • 17、There's a Mrs Green toSee you.(有位格林太太要見你。)
  • 18、Oh, excuse me. I didn'tSee you there.(啊呀,對(duì)不起,我沒看到你在那里。)
  • 19、It's great toSee you again.(很高興再次見到你。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、Didn't ISee you at the party last week?(難道我在上周的聚會(huì)上沒見到你嗎?)
  • 21、I'llSee you tomorrow evening.(我明天晚上見你。)
  • 22、Sit where I canSee you.(坐在我能看到你的地方。)
  • 23、I'm so glad toSee you.(見到你真高興。)
  • 24、I'd better be going now.See you!(現(xiàn)在我可該走了。再見!)
  • 25、There's a lady waiting toSee you.(有位女士等著要見你。)
  • 26、It pains me toSee you like this.(看到你這副模樣真令我難過。)
  • 27、Could ISee you for a minute?(我能見你一下嗎?)
  • 28、'See you later!' she called.(“再見!”她叫道。)
  • 29、I'llSee you again some time, I'm sure.(我敢肯定,什么時(shí)候我們還會(huì)再見面的。)

See you基本釋義