
give a hand造句

give a hand造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:12:17


give a hand造句

  • 1、It is our duty togive a hand to our neighbours when they need.(當鄰居需要幫助時候,向他們伸出援手是我們的職責。)
  • 2、Could you give me a hand moving this cupboard, please?(你能幫我搬一下這個柜子嗎?)
  • 3、When yougive a hand to people, they would feel you are really a good person, and you also can feel happy.(當你給一只手的人,他們會覺得你真的是一個很好的人,你也能感受到幸福。)
  • 4、She is always ready togive a hand.(她總是愿意幫助人。)
  • 5、Will you please do me a favour [give me a hand]?(勞你幫個忙。)
  • 6、So pleasegive a hand to the people in need carefully.(所以請小心的幫助需要幫助的人。)
  • 7、Is there anyone in your department who couldgive a hand for a few days?(你們部門有誰能幫幾天忙嗎?)
  • 8、Luckily he is here and can give you a hand.(好在他在這里,可以幫你一把。) hAo86.com
  • 9、Victoria: Oh. Harvey, I could give you a hand with the presentation if you like.(維多利亞:噢,哈維,如果你愿意的話,我可以幫你準備說明材料。)
  • 10、Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a big hand to our special guests tonight...(女士們、先生們,讓我們以熱烈的掌聲歡迎今晚的特邀嘉賓…)
  • 11、The results maygive a hand to the practice in this field.(所得結(jié)論對工程實踐有一定的指導(dǎo)作用。)
  • 12、Oh, and for their gripping results, let's give the researchers a hand.(對于這個矚目的研究成果,我們也為研究者們加加油盡一份力吧。)
  • 13、When I am in trouble, they alwaysgive a hand to me.(當我遇到困難的時候,他們總是給我?guī)椭?
  • 14、Who can offer my whole body, never togive a hand.(凡可以獻上我的全身的事,決不獻上一只手?!腋埂?
  • 15、Mom: Ask Daniel to give you a hand?(媽媽:讓丹尼爾幫你一下嗎?)
  • 16、But you were never too busy to help with a problem, or justgive a hand.(然而即使再忙你也總能幫著我做題,或助我一臂之力。)
  • 17、Give yourself a hand and maybe a break to prepare for the final stretch.(鼓勵自己一下,也許稍微休息為最后的一段時間做好準備。)
  • 18、Give me a hand please, Bob.(鮑勃,請幫我一下。)
  • 19、Let's give 'em a big hand.(讓我們?yōu)樗麄儫崃夜恼啤?
  • 20、I'llgive a hand... Let me help you to lift it.(我來幫你一下……讓我?guī)湍惆严渥犹蟻怼?
  • 21、We can alsogive a hand to others.(我們也可以給別人一只手。)
  • 22、"Who'll give me a hand up?" he roared.(“誰來拉我一把?”他吼道。)
  • 23、I think it's meaningful for everyone togive a hand to others.(我認為幫助別人是有意義的。)
  • 24、give a hand to anyone.(伸出援手,給某人。)
  • 25、You could give him a hand.(你總可以幫他一把。)

give a hand基本釋義

give a hand

英 [ɡiv ? h?nd] 美 [ɡ?v e h?nd] 
