
beat around the bush造句

beat around the bush造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:11:01


beat around the bush造句

  • 1、Don'tbeat around the bush. Give it to me straight.(別拐彎抹角,直截了當(dāng)?shù)卣f出來。)
  • 2、Don'tbeat around the bush. Tell me the truth.(憋拐彎抹角了,快把真相告訴我。)
  • 3、Don'tbeat around the bush! What do you want to say?(不要旁敲側(cè)擊了,你想說什么?) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 4、But very much aware, and afraid, of the animals' sharp tusks, they much preferred to merely 'beat around the bush' a practice strongly disapproved of by their masters.(但是出于對野豬鋒利的長牙的警惕和恐懼,他們更喜歡繞著灌木“兜圈子”,嚴重違反了主人的指令。)
  • 5、I wish you would say what he really means and not alwaysbeat around the bush.(我希望你說出他的真正意思,不要總是拐彎抹角的。)
  • 6、She is never afraid to tell her real thoughts to you because she believes that the friendship between you and her is strong enough and do not need tobeat around the bush.(她從不會害怕告訴你她的真實想法,因為他相信你和她之間的友誼足夠強大而不需要拐彎抹角。)
  • 7、How to score with an Aries: don't beat round the bush, cut to the chase because if they don't fancy you they won't hang around.(和白羊一起如何得分:不要拐彎抹角,要開門見山,如果他們對你不感興趣他們是不會逗留的。)
  • 8、Get to the point and don't try to cushion the blow orbeat around the bush.(直截了當(dāng),不要去緩沖打擊或拐彎抹角。)
  • 9、Pretend modesty often is nonsense, sometimes just is thebeat around the bush boast.(假裝謙虛往往就是信口開河,有時候簡直是拐彎抹角的自夸。)
  • 10、Please don'tbeat around the bush, OK?(請不要環(huán)顧左右而言它好不好!)
  • 11、Don'tbeat around the bush, tell us the truth.(別拐彎抹角了,告訴我們真相吧。)
  • 12、We're both busy, so I'm not going tobeat around the bush.(大家都很忙,我就不拐彎抹角了。)
  • 13、Not one tobeat around the bush, Sarah replied, "You're right."(沒有一個拐彎抹角,薩拉回答說:“你說得對。)
  • 14、Zina: We're both busy, so I'm not going tobeat around the bush. I need a raise .(吉娜:文斯。大家都很忙,我就不拐彎抹角了。我要加薪。)
  • 15、Tell me the truth, don'tbeat around the bush.(實話告訴我,別兜圈子。)
  • 16、This eye shadow ($25) doesn'tbeat around the bush.(這種眼影($25)不需要來回的涂。。)
  • 17、Don'tbeat around the bush. Tell me exactly what you think is wrong with my work.(別拐彎抹角的了,直接告訴我你認為我的工作有什么不對的。)
  • 18、" Mom is like gold, will suddenly saw through my mind, and eyes stare asked me: "what is up straight, don'tbeat around the bush in my here, I don't eat you to this one.(媽媽卻好似有火眼金金一般,一下子看透了我的心思,瞪著眼睛問我:“有什么事情直說吧,別在我這兒拐彎抹角,我可不吃你這一套。”)
  • 19、So, don'tbeat around the bush. Tell him what it is that you want.(所以不要拐彎抹角,告訴他你想要的。)
  • 20、You don't have tobeat around the bush. Tell us the truth.(你沒有必要拐彎抹角的。告訴我們實情吧。)
  • 21、You won a lottery? Don'tbeat around the bush, just tell me, please.(你彩票中獎了?別拐彎抹角了,請告訴我。)
  • 22、He was also not a guy tobeat around the bush.(他也不是說話拐彎抹角的人。)
  • 23、When our management team asked about recent product sales, our sales manager tried tobeat around the bush, so we knew his news must be bad.(當(dāng)我們的管理團隊詢問最近的產(chǎn)品銷售情況時,銷售經(jīng)理兜起了圈子。所以我們知道他必定不會帶來好消息。)

beat around the bush基本釋義

beat around the bush

英 [bi:t ??raund e? bu?] 美 [bit ??ra?nd ei b??] 
