
a good many造句

a good many造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:10:39


a good many造句

  • 1、I've seena good many little girls in my time, but never ONE with such a neck as that!(我這輩子見過很多小姑娘,可從來沒有誰的脖子跟你的一樣長(zhǎng)!)
  • 2、As it turned out,a good many of the "not so new" specialists found value in the lab and lecture I delivered — many more than I had anticipated.(結(jié)果證明,相當(dāng)多的“老手”專家發(fā)現(xiàn)了我提供的實(shí)驗(yàn)和講演中的價(jià)值——多得超過了我的預(yù)期。)
  • 3、Accompanied by her father, she was driven through streets more packed than they have been for a royal wedding fora good many years.(在她父親的陪同下,她乘車經(jīng)過擁擠的街道?;适一槎Y在這么多年來從未引起如此多人的關(guān)注。)
  • 4、Now, something had been happening there a little before, which I did not know anything about untila good many days afterwards, but I will tell you about it now.(不久以前這里發(fā)生過一件事,我直到好多天以后才知道,但現(xiàn)在我要把這件事告訴你。)
  • 5、Job security has become the touchstone of a good job for many employees.(對(duì)許多雇員來說,工作的穩(wěn)定性已經(jīng)成了一份好工作的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。)
  • 6、That seemeda good many people to like—when you were not used to liking.(對(duì)于向來看不上其他人的你來說,能喜歡這么多人,似乎很好了。)
  • 7、Yes, 'I remarked,' you've seena good many alterations, I suppose? '?(“是的,”我說,“我猜想你看過不少變化了吧?”)
  • 8、With these tables defined,a good many searches can easily be answered.(定義了這些表后,就可以輕松地響應(yīng)很多搜索。)
  • 9、a good many young men leave their jobs voluntarily.(許多男青年自愿地離開他們的工作。)
  • 10、a good many happen outside the Forge restaurant in Bonnybridge, where fireballs sail over the trees and “wingless planes” are seen in the fields.(其中很多都發(fā)生在波尼不里奇城的Forge旅館外,包括目睹火球越過樹叢,“無翼飛機(jī)”等。)
  • 11、He knowsa good many things out of books but he doesn't know anything else.(他知道很多書本里的知識(shí),但其他的他什么都不知道。)
  • 12、There is an active Society which brings to booka good many parents who starve and torture and overwork their children, and intimidatesa good many more.(一個(gè)很積極的社會(huì)記錄了許多父母是怎樣讓自己的孩子忍饑挨餓,折磨他們,讓他們過度工作,對(duì)他們愈加恐嚇的。)
  • 13、a good many of his books were bought from that bookstore.(他的許多書都是從那家書店里買的。)
  • 14、I've lived in this one most of my life, and I've visited ina good many others, because my father's friends and most of our relatives also lived in parsonages.(我還去許多教區(qū)牧師住宅造訪,因?yàn)楦赣H的朋友和我們家大多數(shù)親戚都住在那種住宅里。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 15、The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.(新年伊始正是回顧過去許多成績(jī)的好時(shí)候。)
  • 16、That's becausea good many of you won't finish on time.(那是因?yàn)槟銈兇蠖嗌僖苍S沒法按時(shí)畢業(yè)。)
  • 17、His father is the Reverent Mr Clare at Emminster -a good many miles from here.(他的父親是愛敏寺的牧師克萊爾先生——離這兒遠(yuǎn)得很。)
  • 18、Cats are rather delicate creatures and they are subject toa good many ailments, but I never heard of one who suffered from insomnia.(貓是很嬌氣的動(dòng)物,容易得的病很多很多,不過我從沒聽說過哪只貓失眠的。)
  • 19、He hada good many domestic troubles.(他有許多家庭糾紛纏身。)
  • 20、a good many of them have cars.(他們中的許多人有汽車。)
  • 21、Yes, I believe he is. We havea good many here.(是,我想他是,我們這兒有許多這樣的人。)
  • 22、All the way, the team meta good many difficulties.(一路上,隊(duì)伍遇到了許多困難。)
  • 23、a good many things in the world cannot be considered and valued in terms of money.(世界上有很多東西不能用金錢來考慮和衡量。)
  • 24、Since I've read quite a few English books, I knowa good many words and phrases.(因?yàn)槲以喿x不少的英文書,所以我知道很多的單詞和短詞。)
  • 25、Rebecca West wrotea good many novels and one in particular called The Return of the Soldier, the protagonist of which is also a traumatized war victim.(麗貝卡·韋斯特寫了很多小說,其中有一本叫《軍士翻箱》,書中的主人公也是一個(gè)飽受創(chuàng)傷的戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)受害者。)
  • 26、a good many of beggars are blind.(乞丐中有許多人是盲人。)
  • 27、The fact that it is bollocks hasn't stoppeda good many people from believing in it.(事實(shí)是胡言亂語并沒有阻止人們?nèi)ハ嘈潘?

a good many基本釋義

a good many

英 [? ɡud ?meni] 美 [e ɡ?d ?m?ni] 
很多; 相當(dāng)多